Easy english - 13.01.02 학습
1. Speaking Drill
recommend : 추천하다, 권하다
Could you recommend a nice one?
I recommend this movie.
Could you recommend a nice restaurant?
I recommend a trip to New York; we had a great time there.
What makes you ~? :뭐 때문에 ~야?
What makes you suggest that breed?
What makes you smile?
What makes you think I like her?
What makes you this company tick?
Please show me ~. : ~를 보여[알려] 주세요.
Please show me what you have.
Please show me your ID.
Please show me how you did that.
Please show me where to find the bathroom.
2. Model Dialogue
Helen: My son wants a second dog. Could you recommend a nice one?
Pet Show Owner: Sure, Labrador Retrievers are excellent.
Helen: What makes you suggest that breed?
Pet Shop Owner: They are smart, loyal and good with children.
Helen: Please show me what you have.
Pet Shop Owner: Right here.
Helen: (looking at the dog) Oh, it's too big for my apartment.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
recommend: 추천하다
excellent: 훌륭한
suggest: 제안하다
breed: 품좀
loyal: 충성스러운
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
r로 시작하는 단어의 발음 연습
Is the shape round or rectangular?
We eat rice and side dishes for breakfast.
I was late for work three days in a row.
I love listening to the radio.
I rearranged my furniture.
You guys are like "Romeo and Juliet."
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 저는 래브라도 리트리버를 추천합니다.
Step 1: I recommend Labrador Retrievers.
Step 2: 저는 래브라도 리트리버를 추천합니다, 똑똑하거든요.
Step 2: I recommend Labrador Retrievers because they are smart.
Step 3: 저는 래브라도 리트리버를 추천합니다, 똑똑하고 충성심이 강하거든요.
Step 3: I recommend Labrador Retrievers because they are smart and loyal.
6. 짤막 Tip
>'너무 지나치게 ~하다' 라는 의미
too + 형용사 + for + 명사
> '누구에게, 혹은 무엇에 너무 지나치게 ~하다' 라고 할 때 사용
> It's too big for me.
too + 형용사 + to ~
> '무엇하기에 너무 ~하다' 라고 할 때 사용
It's too big for me to carry.
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현