영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.02.15 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 2. 15. 09:28

1. Speaking Drill

have got ~ here : 여기 ~가 있다

Oh, we've got over 20 backpacks here.

I've got your phone here.

We've got a big problem here.

We've got some food and drinks here.

look like ~ : ~하게 생기다, ~를 닮다

What does it look like?

It look like a snowman.

You really look like your mother.

She looks like Annette Bening in the movie "Love Affair."

Come down here and ~. : 와서 ~해.

Come down here and pick it up.

Come down here and pick up your laundry.

Come down here and return your books.

Come down here and finish your breakfast, sweetie.

2. Model Dialogue

(on the phone)

Jake: Hello, hello, is this Seokgye train station's lost and found?

Attendant: Yes, have you lost something?

Jake: Yes, my backpack.

Attendant: Oh, we've got over 20 backpacks here. What does it look like?

Jake: It's a brown leather backpack and has patches sewn on it.

Attendant: You're in luck. Come down here and pick it up.

3. Model Dialogue

lost and found: 분실물 센터

backpack: 배낭

over ~: ~를 넘어서, ~ 이상

leather: 가죽

patch: 패치

sew: 바느질하다

be in luck: 운이 좋다

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

유성음 th의 발음을 연습

I want to buy a leather jacket.

I have two brothers and one sister.

It's hard to breathe.

Please bathe our baby.

Did your mother say yes?

I can't make it on time, though.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 우리는 ~가 있어요.

Step 1: We've got...

Step 2: 우리는 배낭을 20개 이상 가지고 있어요.

Step 2: We've got over 20 backpacks.

Step 3: 우리는 이 분실물 센터에 배낭을 20개 이상 가지고 있어요.

Step 3: We've got over 20 backpacks at this lost and found.

6. 짤막 Tip

It looks와 It looks like 차이점

> It looks like + 명사 / 절 (주어 + 동사)

> It looks + 형용사

> It looks good.

(좋아 보이네, 좋은 것 같네.)

> It looks a little difficult.

(좀 어려울 것 같아.)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework