Easy english - 13.02.16 학습
1. Speaking Drill
apply to ~ : ~에 지원하다
I want to apply to EBS.
I applied to EBS.
You should apply to the company. It's perfect for you.
He has applied to ABE Mart; I hope he gets it.
I hope to ~. : 난 ~하고 싶어.
I hope to earn a little money and practice my English.
I hope to start my own company.
I hope to speak and write better English.
I hope to chat with you on Skype again soon.
Be sure to ~. : 꼭 ~해라.
Be sure to upload lots of photos to Familybook.
Be sure to turn out the lights.
Be sure to give Frank my warmest regards.
Be sure to wear a warm jacket; it's always freezing in the movie theater.
2. Model Dialogue
Taylor: Are you going to do your military service soon?
Jinsoo: Yes. But when I get out, I want to apply to EBS.
Taylor: While you're defending the contry, I'll be working in Disney World.
Jinsoo: Wow, tell me more about that!
Taylor: I hope to earn a little money and practice my English.
Jinsoo: I wish I could join you. Be sure to upload lots of photos to Fmailybook.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
military service: 병역, 군 복무
apply to ~: ~에 지원하다
defend: 지키다, 방어하다
earn money: 돈을 벌다
practice: 연습하다
join: 합류하다
upload: 올리다
chat with you: 너와 대화하고 싶다
turn out the lights: 등불 (램프)을 끄다.
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
sh로 끝난 단어에 /이/ 소리를 넣어서 발음 하지 않기
Where did you learn English?
I wish you good luck.
I don't have enough cash.
Happily, my wrinkles have started to diminish.
When do you think you can finish this?
Her face looks yellowish.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 난 ~하고 싶어.
Step 1: I hope to...
Step 2: 난 돈을 좀 벌고 싶어.
Step 2: I hope to earn a little money.
Step 3: 난 돈을 좀 벌고 영어도 연습하고 싶어.
Step 3: I hope to earn a little money and practice my English.
6. 짤막 Tip
I wish I could + 동사원형
> 가정법 과거 형태 구문
> '사실 현실적으로 안 되지만, 그럴 수 있다면 좋겠다' 라는 바램을 가정해서 말할 때 사용
> I wish I could take a month off and take a trip somewhere.
(할 일이 많아서 사실 안 되지만, 할 수만 있다면 한 달 쉬고 어딘가로 여행 가고 싶다.)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
It's perfect for you.
(너 한테 딱이야.)
I hope he gets it.
(됐으면 좋겠다.)
9. Homework