Easy english - 13.02.19 학습
1. Speaking Drill
another ~ : 또 하나의 ~
Did they just say there'd be another delay?
Would you like another cup of coffee?
Can I have another piece of pizza?
Can I get you another bowl of seaweed soup?
promise to ~ : ~하기로 약속하다
I promised to go to my daughter's school play.
I promised to quit smoking.
We promised to spend more time together.
They promised to give all the employees a raise.
Let's hope ~. : ~하기를 바라자.
Let's hope we don't have to stay in the airport overnight.
Let's hope he gets over it.
Let's hope we can reach a good conclusion.
Let's hope they finally make up and get along again.
2. Model Dialogue
Sean: Did they just say there'd be another delay?
Woman: Yeah, they did.
Sean: I promised to go to my daughter's school play.
Woman: Those are moments you don't want to miss.
Sean: Why was the plane delayed again?
Woman: I think it was something about bad weather.
Sean: Let's hope we don't have to stay in the airport overnight.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
delay: 지연, 지체; 지연하다
promise: 약속하다
play: 연극
moment: 순간, 때
miss: 놓치다
overnight: 밤새, 밤새도록
give all the employees a raise: 월급을 올려 주다
get over: 이겨내다
stay in the airport overnight: 밤을 지새다
a good conclusion: 좋은 결론
make up: 화해하다
get along: ~와 잘 지내다
my daughter's school play: 딸아이 학교 연극
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
/s/ 뒤에 /t/ 소리가 이어질 때의 소리 연습
Please stay here a little longer.
I can't stand this anymore.
I'm strong enough to stand up for myself.
This table is made of stainless steel.
That's a stupid idea.
Did he go to Stanford University?
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 나는 ~하겠다고 약속했어.
Step 1: I promised to...
Step 2: 나는 ~에 가겠다고 약속했어.
Step 2: I promised to go to...
Step 3: 나는 우리 딸 학교 연극에 가겠다고 약속했어.
Step 3: I promised to go to my daughter's school play.
6. 짤막 Tips
비행기가 어떤 이유로 지연되었다는 말 표현
> '~때문에' 라는 뜻의 due to를 넣어서 표현
> The flight has been delayed due to equipment failure.
(기체 결함으로 연착되었다.)
> The flight has been delayed due to heavy snow.
(폭설 때문에 연착되었다.)
> How delayed is the departure going to be?
(출발이 얼마나 늦어지는 건가요?)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
Can I get you another bowl of seaweed soup?
We promised to spend more time together.
They promised to give all the employees a raise.
Let's hope they finally make up and get along again.
9. Homework