영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.02.21 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 2. 21. 09:30

1. Speaking Drill

hit 무엇 on 어디 : 무엇을 어디에 부딪치다

I fell backward and hit my head on the floor.

I hit my head on the ceiling.

I hit my elbow on the stone fence.

I hit my left shoulder on the door of my house.

Did you lose ~? : ~를 잃어버렸어?

Did you lose consciousness?

Did you lose your phone again?

Did you lose your planner yesterday?

Did you lose your wallet on the bus this morning?

Do you know 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 : ~인지 아세요?

Do you know what day it is?

Do you know they broke up?
Do you know where we can get free tickets?

Do you know we can get there faster?

2. Model Dialogue

Doctor: That's a big bump. What happened?

Roy: I fell backward and hit my head on the floor.

Doctor: Did you lose consciousness?

Roy: No. But I saw starts.

Doctor: Do you know what day it is?

Roy: It's Thursday. Why do you ask?

Doctor: I'm checking your memory.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

bump: 부딪힘, 혹, 타박상

fall: 넘어지다

backward: 뒤로

hit: 부딪히다

floor: 바닥

consciousness: 의식

memory: 기억, 기억력

the stone fence: 돌로된 담장

the door of my house: 우리 집 문

free tickets: 공짜 표

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

lose와 loss의 발음을 구별해서 발음연습

Where did you lose your backpack?

How could you lose your phone again?

Did you lose this wallet?

What a loss!

How can we make up the loss?
That is my  loss.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: ~하셨나요?

Step 1: Did you...?

Step 2: 의식을 잃으셨나요?

Step 2: Did you lose consciousness?

Step 3: 머리를 부딪칠 때 의식을 잃으셨나요?

Step 3: Did you lose consciousness when you hit your head?

6. 짤막 Tip

bump 표현

> 동사: 부딪히다

> 명사: 부딪힘, 혹, 돌기

A guy bumped against me and I fell down on the road.

(어떤 남자가 나랑 부딪쳐서 내가 길에서 넘어졌다.)

> I had a bump in the car.

(운전하다가 어딘가에 차가 부딪혔다.)

> bump into + 사람

> I bumped into my sister in Shinchon.

(신촌에서 우연히 내 여동생과 마주쳤다.)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

Did you lose consciousness?

(의식을 잃으셨나요?)

How could you lose your phone again?

(어떻게 전화기를 또 잃어버릴 수 있니?)

What a loss!

How can we make up the loss?

(손실을 어떻게 채우지?)

That is my  loss.

(그게 내가 입은 손해야.)

9. Homework