Easy english - 13.02.22 학습
1. Speaking Drill
Do you have openings for ~? : ~에 자리 있나요?
Do you still have openings for...?
Do you have openings for the position?
Do you have openings for it yet?
Do you have openings for that part time job yet?
discuss : ~에 대해 논의하다
We don't discuss salaries over the phone.
Let's discuss this later.
Didn't we discuss this at our last meeting?
When will be the best time to discuss this matter?
pay above ~ : ~이상 지불하다
Does it pay above the minimum wage?
Do you pay above the minimum wage?
I got paid above 2 million won last month.
Are you getting paid above the average?
2. Model Dialogue
(on the phone)
Jake: Hello. Do you still have openings for...?
Staff: Yes, we do. When can you come in for an interview?
Jake: Well, I'd like to know how much the job pays first.
Staff: I'm sorry. We don't discuss salaries over the phone.
Jake: Ohhh... I see... Does it pay above minimum wage?
Staff: Sir, we do not talk about salaries over the phone. Interviews are between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
opening: 빈자리, 공석
interview: 면접
pay: 지불하다
salary: 봉급, 급료
minimum: 최저의
wage: 임금
minimum wage: 최저 임금
at our last meeting: 지난 회의 때
got paid: 돈을 받았다
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
/st/의 발음을 연습
When did we meet last?
First, listen to me very carefully.
It takes two hours at least.
It's located in the east.
Wow, you speak Chinese really fast.
It was a very difficult test.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 우리는 ~하지 않습니다.
Step 1: We don't...
Step 2: 우리는 급여에 대해 얘기하지 않습니다.
Step 2: We don't discuss salaries.
Step 3: 우리는 전화상으로 급여에 대해 얘기하지 않습니다.
Step 3: We don't discuss salaries over the phone.
6. 짤막 Tip
opening 표현
> '어떤 것의 시작' 이라는 뜻, '어떤 시즌이나 대회의 시작'을 뜻하기도 함
> '빈자리, 공석, 채용하는 자리'를 뜻하기도 함
> the opening of a new school year
(새 학기의 시작)
> the opening of the baseball season
(야구 시즌 개막)
> Are there any openings for ~?
(어떤 자리에 결원이 있는지 물어 볼 때)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
Do you have openings for that part time job yet?
I got paid above 2 million won last month.
Are you getting paid above the average?
Didn't we discuss this at our last meeting?
When will be the best time to discuss this matter?
9. Homework