영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.02.25 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 2. 25. 09:32

1. Speaking Drill

Oh, John, please accept my deepest condolences.

I'll come by and pay my final respects.

I want to be there for you and your family.

2. Model Dialogue

(on the phone)

John: I am sorry to call you so early but I have some bad news. My father passed away last night.

Taylor: Oh, John, please accept my deepest condolences.

John: Thank you for saying that.

Taylor: What hospital is he in? I'll come by and pay my final respects.
John: He's in ABC hospital.

Taylor: Thank you. I want to be there for you and your family.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

pass away: 돌아가시다

deepest: 가장 깊은

condolence: 애도, 조의

final: 마지막, 마지막의

respect: 존경, 경의

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

rl의 발음을 연습

Why do you need a world map?

Is this pearl necklace yours?

Is her baby a girl or boy?

You're such a early bird!

Does he have curly hair?

My father checks his pulse regularly.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 내가 들러서 ~할게.

Step 1: I'll come by and...

Step 2: 내가 들러서 마지막 조의를 표할게.

Step 2: I'll come by and pay my final respects.

Step 3: 내가 들러서 너희 아버지에 대한 마지막 조의를 표할게.

Step 3: I'll come by and pay my final respects to your father.

6. 짤막 Tip

pass way 표현

> '돌아가시다' 라는 뜻

> die 보다는 존중과 높임의 뜻이 들어간 말

> '지나가다, 흘러가다' 라는 뜻도 있음

> This too will pass away.

(이 또한 지나가리라.)