영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.01.03 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 1. 3. 09:19

1. Speaking Drill

Would you like a ride to ~? : 제가 ~까지 태워다 드릴까요?
Would you like a ride to the ER(emergency room)?

Would you like a ride to your house?
Would you like a ride to the subway station?
Would you like a ride to a bike repair shop?

I think I better ~. : 난 ~하는 게 좋을 것 같아.

I think  I better have it x-rayed.
I think I better go

I think I better ask my mother's permission.

I think I better save that money for a rainy day.

give 누구 a ride to  ~장소 : 누구를 ~까지 태워다 주다

I'll give you a ride to the hospital.

Please give me a ride to my house.

I gave my husband a ride to the airport.

I give my son and daughter a ride to school everyday.

2. Model Dialogue

(Roy fell down on the icy road.)

Roy: Oww, that really hurt.
Passerby: Do you need a hand getting up?

Roy: Thanks. The road is slippery and I fell.

Passerby: Would you like a ride to the ER(emergency room)? You took a hard fall.

Roy: My hip hurts like crazy. I think I better have it x-rayed.

Passerby: Stay here. I'll give you a ride to the hospital.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

hurt: 아프다

get up: 일어나다

slippery: 미끄러운

fall: 넘어지다

hard fall: 심하게 넘어진 것

hip: 엉덩이

ride: 태워다 주는 것

ER(emergency room): 응급실

a bike repair shop: 자전거 수리점

save for a rainy day: 비상시를 위해 저축하다

took a hard fall: (심하게)꽈당 넘어지다

took a big hit: 심하게 넘어지다, 부딪히다

like crazy: 미치게, 정신나게, 굉장히

x-ray: 엑스레이를 찍다

as a rule대체로, 일반적으로, 보통

on weeknights: 평일 저녁에 (=weeknights)

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
/l/로 끝나는 단어의 발음을 연습

> 약간 '어'소리가 나면서, 혀 끝을 쭉 올려 혀 끝이 입천장에 닿도록 한다.

Can you catch the fly on the wall?

Okay, it's a deal.

You shouldn't skip your meal.

Where did you learn that skill?
As a rule, I stay in on weeknights.

Can I have the bill?

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: ~인것 같아요.

Step 1: I think...

Step 2: ~하는 게 좋을 것 같아요.

Step 2: I think I better...

Step 3: 엑스레이를 찍어 보는 것이 좋을 것 같아요.

Step 3: I think I better have it x-rayed.

6. 짤막 Tip

> 어디까지 차로 데려다 주는 것을 의미

get a ride to ~장소
> 내가 남의 차를 얻어 타고 갈 때 쓰는 표현

> Can I get a ride to the nearest subway station?
(가까운 지하철역까지 차 좀 얻어 탈 수 이

give 누구 a ride to ~장소
> 내가 남을 차에 태워 줄때 쓰는 표현
> Do you want me to give you a ride to the subway station?

(지하철역까지 태워다 줄까?)

7. Comments & Practice

a rainy day
> 단어 뜻 그대로 비가 오는 날, 궂은 날을 말하는데요,  비오는 날씨에는 젓지 않으려면 우산과 비옷 등이 필요하죠. 그런 것에 비유해서 돈, 물건 등이 부족하거나 없게 될 때, 곤궁할 때, 사정이 어려울 때, 만일에 대비하는, 예비적인이라는 뜻을 나타내는 idiom으로 사용됩니다.

> rainy day funds: 예비기금

Would you like ~?

> Do you want ~? 보다 정중한 표현

I better ~

= I had better ~

= I'd better ~

Where do you hurt?
Where does it hurt? 

(여기  저기 눌러보면서, 아프세요?)

Do you need a hand -ing?

Do you need help -ing?

(제가 -ing하는거 도와드릴까요?)

8. 외워야 할 표현

Would  you like a ride to the subway station?

Do you need a hand getting up?

You took a hard fall.

You took a big hit.

Where do you hurt?
Where does it hurt?

Okay, it's deal.
(좋아, 그렇게 하자.)