영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.02.27 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 2. 27. 10:04

1. Speaking Drill

~ is almost upon us. : ~가 코앞이다.

The test is almost upon us.

The bright future is almost upon us.

The spring term is almost upon us.

The flowers' blooming season is almost upon us.

I hope not, but ~. : 그러지 않길 바라지만, ~야.

I hope not, but I can't relax until I know for sure.

I hope not, but I'm still worried.

I hope not, but I need to check the result myself.

I hope not, but I can't feel safe until she comes home.

hope for the best : 잘되기를 바라다

Let's hope for the best.

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Hope for the best and let's keep in touch.

Hope for the best and I'll keep my fingers crossed.

2. Model Dialogue

Martin: The test is almost upon us. How is your studying coming along?

Taylor: I haven't even started studying yet.

Martin: Me either. My mother is going in for the medical tests.

Taylor: Oh no, it's not cancer, is it?

Martin: I hope not, but I can't relax until I know for sure.

Taylor: I feel so down. Let's hope for the best.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

test: 시험

medical test: 건강 검진

cancer: 암

relax: 쉬다, 마음을 편안히 갖다

for sure: 확실히

The bright future: 밝은 미래

The spring term: 봄 학기

The flowers' blooming season: 꽃 피는 계절

keep in touch: 계속 연락하다

keep my fingers crossed: (중지를 인지에 포개고) 기도하다, 좋은 결과[행운]를 빌다

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

단어들의 연음을 연습

Please put it on the scale.

Would you like to check in?

Do I have to recheck in?

Please pick it up.

Did you  really miss your flight?

Am I on the waiting list?

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 그러지 않길 바라지만, ~

Step 1: I hope not, but...

Step 2: 그러지 않길 바라지만, 마음을 놓을 수가 없어.

Step 2: I hope not, but I can't relax.

Step 3: 그러지 않길 바라지만, 확실히 알 때까지는 마음을 놓을 수가 없어.

Step 3: I hope not, but I can't relax until I know for sure.

6. 짤막 Tip

hope for the best 표현

> '잘되길 바라다, 최후까지 희망을 잃지 않고 낙관적으로 생각하다' 라는 뜻

> 뒤에 for ~를 연결하면 '~가 잘되기를 바란다' 라는 뜻임 됨

> Let's hope for the best for our new book.

(우리의 새 책이 잘되기를 바랍시다.)

> Let's hop for the best and prepare for the worst.

(잘되기를 바라면서 최선을 다하되, 안 될 경우도 대비 하자)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

The flowers' blooming season is almost upon us.

I hope not, but I can't relax until I know for sure.

I hope not, but I can't feel safe until she comes home.

Hope for the best and let's keep in touch.

Hope for the best and I'll keep my fingers crossed.

How is your studying coming along?

My mother is going in for the medical tests.

it's not cancer, is it?

I feel so down.

Am I on the waiting list?

9. Homework