영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.03.04 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 3. 4. 10:06

1. Speaking Drill

busy with ~ : ~때문에 바쁜

Busy with my part time job.

I'm busy with my work.

I'm busy with my tight schedule.

I've been busy with a lot of work recently.

for a change : 기분 전환하러

I got it cut for a change.

I want to travel for a change.

Let's go out for a walk for a change.

Why don't we do something exiting for a change?

have a hard time with 명사 / -ing : ~ 때문에 [~하느라] 힘들다

You're having a hard time with it.

We had a hard time with it.

I had a hard time staying awake.

Even their parents have a hard time telling them apart.

2. Model Dialogue

Taylor: Hey, John. How've you been doing?

John: Busy with my part time job. Wait! You got a haircut?

Taylor: Yes, I got it cut short for a change.

John: Did you break up with your boyfriend?

Taylor: Yes, I did. I just don't want to talk about it.

John: Oh, you're having a hard time with it. It's written all over your face.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

part time job: 아르바이트

get a haircut: 머리를 자르다

short: 짧게

for a change: 기분 전환하러

break up with ~: ~와 헤어지다

tight schedule:  빡빡한 스케줄

go out for a walk: 산책하러 가다

staying awake: 졸린 걸 참느라

tell apart: 구별하다, 분간하다

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

/tn/ 의 발음 연습

> 단어 끝부분에 /tn/ 발음이 오면, 혀를 입천장에 대고 약하게 발음

Was it written by your son?

I'm not certain about that.

Have you ever eaten this food?

He's from Manhattan.

That's the Trevi Fountain.

I like your mittens.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 그동안 ~했어.

Step 1: I've been

Step 2: 그동안 바빴어.

Step 2: I've been busy.

Step 3: 그동안 아르바이트 때문에 바빴어.

Step 3: I've been busy with my part time job.

6. 짤막 Tip

for a change

> '기분 전환하러, 기분 전환할 겸' 이라는 표현

> Why don't we have dinner on  the back porch for a change?

(기분 전환할 겸 뒤 베란다에서 저녁 먹을까요?)

> I've been away for a change.

(바람도 쐬고 기분 전환하러 어디 좀 다녀왔어요.)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework