Easy english - 13.03.07 학습
1. Speaking Drill
blurry: 희미한, 흐릿한
My vision is blurry these days.
It's all blurry.
It looks blurry.
Do the pictures look blurry to you?
time for ~ : ~할 때
It may be time for bifocals.
Time for bed!
It's time for a fresh start.
I don't have time for breakfast in the morning.
a candidate for ~ : ~할 사람, 예정자, 후보
Am I a candidate for LASIK surgery?
She is the leading candidate for that position.
There are only two candidate for the job.
PSY was a candidate for TIME's person of the year in 2012.
2. Model Dialogue
Roy: My vision is blurry these days.
Doctor: You're getting on in years.
Roy: I know. I can't see things up close very well.
Doctor: It may be time for bifocals.
Roy: Am I a candidate for LASIK surgery?
Doctor: Let me check your eyes first.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
blurry: (눈이) 침침한
get on in years: 나이를 먹다, 늙다
bifocals: 이중 초점 (렌즈가 들어간) 안경
candidate: 후보, 할 수 있는 대상
LASIK surgery: 라식 수술
the leading candidate: 유력한 후보자
my vision: 시력
see things up close very well: 가까이에서 보다(~을 바로 옆에서 자세히 보다)
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
close의 발음, 형용사일 때 /klous/, 동사일 때 /klouz/로 발음
She's my close friend.
I want to get close to you.
I feel closer to you.
Did you close the door?
Leave the door closed.
The shop is closed.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: ~인 것 같네요.
Step 1: It may be...
Step 2: ~할 때가 된 것 같네요.
Step 2: It may be time for...
Step 3: ~할 때가 된 것 같네요.
Step 3: It may be time for bifocals.
Step 4: 재정비를 할 때가 된 것 같네요.
Step 4: It may be ________ for ________.
6. 짤막 Tip
candidate 활용
> '후보자' 또는 '응시자' 라는 뜻
> a job candidate
(입사 지원자)
> a backup candidate
(예비 후보)
> a candidate for president
(대통령 후보)
> an independent candidate
(무소속 후보)
> to support a candidate
(후보를 지지하다)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
It's all blurry.
It looks blurry.
Do the pictures look blurry to you?
PSY was a candidate for TIME's person of the year in 2012.
You're getting on in years.
(점점 연세가 드시는 거지요.)
It may be time for bifocals.
I can't see things up close very well.
(가까이에 있는 것도 잘 보이지가 않아요.)
I want to get close to you.
I feel closer to you.
Leave the door closed.
(문을 닫아 놔라.)
9. Homework