영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.03.08 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 3. 8. 10:05

1. Speaking Drill

must be ~ : ~인 게 틀림없다

Your eyesight must be getting bad.

You must be disappointed.

Something must be wrong with it.

The news must be heartbreaking to you.

be addicted to ~ : ~에 중독되다.

I guess I'm addicted to my smart phone.

I'm addicted to caffeine.

My son is addicted to smart phone games.

A lot of teenagers are addicted to smart phone.

try not to ~ : ~하지 않으려고 하다

Try not to look at your phone too often.

I'll try not to be late.

Try not to think negatively.

Let's try not to hurt each other's feelings.

2. Model Dialogue

Jake: Oh, I can't read the words on the sign.

Susan: Your eyesight must be getting bad.

Jake: I guess I'm addicted to my smart phone.

Susan: How long do you usually use your phone?

Jake: Almost all the time.

Susan: Try not to look at your phone too often.

Jake: Okay.
Susan: Hey! You're looking at your smart phone again!

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

sign: 표지판

eyesight: 시력

get bad: 나빠지다

be addicted to ~: ~에 중독되다

almost: 거의

too often: 너무 자주

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

앞 단어가 d로 끝나고 뒷 단어가 t로 시작하면, /d/ 발음은 거의 안 들리고 /t/가 바로 들림

I'm addicted to coffee.

I had to do that.

His job is to feed tigers.

My dad takes care of the dog.

I read ten books.

Good time or bad time?

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: ~하지 않으려고 노력해 봐.

Step 1: Try not to...

Step 2: 네 휴대폰을 보지 않으려고 노력해 봐.

Step 2: Try not to look at your phone...

Step 3: 네 휴대폰을 너무 자주 보지 않으려고 노력해 봐.

Step 3: Try not to look at your phone too often.

Step 4: 밤새지 않으려고 노력해 봐.

Step 4: Try not to ___________________________.

6. 짤막 Tip


> '시력' 이라는 뜻

> vision 이라고도 함

> I have good eyesight.

(시력이 좋다.)

> I have bad eyesight.

> I have poor sight.

(시력이 나쁘다.)

> My eyesight is failing.

(시력이 안 좋아지고 있다 / 눈이 나빠지고 있다.)

> I had my eyesight tested.

> I had my eyesight checked.

(나 시력 검사를 받았어.)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework