Easy english - 13.01.04 학습
1. Speaking Drill
favorite kind of ~ : 좋아하는 종류의 ~
I know it's not your favorite kind of gift, but you really need it.
It's my favorite kind of ice cream.
This is my favorite kind of dessert.
Is this your favorite kind of music?
stand 누구 up : ~를 바람맞히다
You constantly stand me up for dates and even forgot our anniversary.
He stood me up.
This is the second time you've stood me up!
It's very bad manners to stand up a friends.
prevent ~ from -ing : ~가 ...하지 않게 하다
This gift will prevent it from ever happening again.
The snow prevent me from going out.
His friends prevent his friends from making a foolish of himself.
This gate will prevent babies from accidentally falling down the stairs.
2. Model Dialogue
Barbara: I have a small gift for you.
Jake: Wow? (disappointed) Oh, it's a planner.
Barbara: I know it's not your favorite kind of gift, but you really need it.
Jake: Why do you say that?
Barbara: You constantly stand me up for dates and even forgot our anniversary.
Jake: You're still mad about that.
Barbara: This gift will prevent if from ever happening again.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
gift: 선물
favorite: 좋아하는
stand 누구 up: ~를 바람맞히다
anniversary: [ˌa-nə-ˈvərs-rē, -ˈvər-sə-] 기념일
prevent: 예방하다, 막다
happen: 일어나다
constantly: 자꾸, 끊임없이, 거듭
bad manners: 나쁜 매너
make a foolish of himself: 추태를 부리다
accidentally: 뜻하지 않게(by chance); 잘못하여
fall down: 넘어지다
mad about ~: ~에 화나다, ~에 미치다(몰두하다, 열중하다)
stubborn: 고집스러운, 완고한
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
s 다음에 t가 이어지면 t의 소리가 강하게 발음
> t가 "ㄸ" 처럼 들린다.
My boyfriend stood me up.
I changed my hair style.
How long did you stay there?
My teacher is a little stubborn.
Please stop smoking.
Slow and steady win the race.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 넌 자꾸 나를 바람맞히잖아.
Step 1: You constantly stand me up.
Step 2: 넌 데이하기로 해 놓고 자꾸 나를 바람맞히잖아.
Step 2: You constantly stand me up for dates.
Step 3: 넌 데이하기로 해 놓고 자꾸 나를 바람맞히고, 우리 기념일도 깜박하잖아.
Step 3: You constantly stand me up for dates and even forgot our anniversary.
6. 짤막 Tip
Broken English 표현
> diary: 계획이나 약속, 일정 등을 적어 놓는수첩을 보통 '다이어리' 라고 하는데
> diary의 뜻은 '일기' 입니다.
> 일정 등을 적는 수첩을 의마 할 때는 planner, scheduler, 혹은 organizer를 사용 하는 것이 맞습니다.
7. Comments & Practice
> [ˈgift] g에 강세를 받아서 약간 "게ㅍㅌ" 처럼 들린다.
"화가 나다"의 비슷한 표현
> 그 중에서 mad가 가장 화난 정도를 잘 나타낸다.
stand 누구 up
> stand up은 "서 있다" 뜻을 가지고 있습니다.
> 목적어에 해당하는 대상이 내가 아닌 somebody를 서있게 하므로 "~를 바람맞히다" 표현이 된다.
> 주로 연인 사이에서 사용됩니다.
8. 외워야 할 표현