영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.03.13 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 3. 13. 10:50

1. Speaking Drill

at this time of day : 이 시간에

How can you practice the recorder at this time of day?

Is the traffic heavy at this time of day?

My parents are asleep at this time of day.

The restaurant is closed at this time of day, so let's just go home.

practice for ~ : ~를 대비해서 연습하다

I need to practice for a test tomorrow.

Let's practice for the concert.

We have to practice for our group debate.

Have you practiced enough for the game?

at the last minute : 막판에 닥쳐서

Why do you always start something at the last minute?

They canceled it at the last minute.

Susan showed up at the last minute.

They got nervous at the last minute and refused to sign the contract.

2. Model Dialogue

(Late at night, Beth is practicing her recorder loudly.)

Helen: Beth, do you know what time it is? It's almost midnight!

Beth: I know, I know.

Helen: How can you practice the recorder at this time of day?

Beth: I need to practice for a a test tomorrow.

Helen: You should've prepared earlier. Why do you start always something at last minute?

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

almost: 거의

midnight: 자정, 밤 12시

practice: 연습하다

recorder: 피리

at this time of day: 하루 중 이 시간에

earlier: 더 일찍

at the last minute: 막판에 닥쳐서, 마지막 순간에

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

l을 강하게 발음하지 않는 dark l의 소리를 들어보고 연습

Why are you always late?

Can you help me?

I ate half of it.

Would you like some milk?

Did you see the film?

I couldn't help it.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 왜 넌 늘 ~하니?

Step 1: Why do you always...

Step 2: 왜 넌 늘 뭔가를 시작하니?

Step 2: Why do you always start something...

Step 3: 왜 넌 늘 뭔가를 막판에 시작하니?

Step 3: Why do you always start something at the last minutes.

6. 짤막 Tip

at the last minute 표현

> '마지막에, 막판에 닥쳐서' 라는 뜻


> the last time까지 미루는 것을 의미

> '미루다, 질질 끌다' 라는 뜻

> 쉬운 표현으로 delay, put off

> Stop procrastinating!

(그만 좀 미뤄!)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework