Easy english - 13.03.14 학습
1. Speaking Drill
a green thumb : 원예의 재능
I know you have a green thumb, Roy.
I have a green thumb.
You must have a green thumb.
This beautiful garden is the result of my mother's green thumb.
grow : 기르다, 재배하다
Why don't you grow some cherry tomatoes?
I grow lettuce.
My father grows sweet potatoes and tomatoes.
When did they begin to grow cotton in that region?
temping : 솔깃한, 구미가 당기는
That sounds really temping.
Isn't it temping?
(It is) Temping, but no thank you.
This roast beef looks really temping.
2. Model Dialogue
(Roy and his next door neighbor are talking to each other.)
Miranda: I know you have a green thumb, Roy.
Roy: Oh, I'm flattered.
Miranda: Why don't you grow some cherry tomatoes?
Roy: That sounds really temping. Now I know what I'm going to do with all my free time.
Miranda: You may need some fertilizer. I'll give you some of mine.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
have a green thumb: 원예[식물 재배]를 잘하다
cherry tomatoes: 방울토마토
temping: 끌리는, 구미가 당기는, 내키는
fertilizer: 비료
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
철자에는 있지만 발음하지 않는 묵음 연습
Please comb your hair.
Do you like salmon?
Are you listening to me?
You can walk from here.
It's an honor to meet you.
Please hand me the knife.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: ~하지 그래요?
Step 1: Why don't you...?
Step 2: ~를 키워 보지 그래요?
Step 2: Why don't you grow...?
Step 3: 방울토마토를 좀 키워 보지 그래요?
Step 3: Why don't you grow some cherry tomatoes?
Step 4: 상추를 좀 길러 보지 그래요?
Step 4: Why don't you grow ________________________?
6. 짤막 Tip
You have a green thumb. 표현
> 원예를 잘해서, 손만 대도 화초를 쑥쑥 잘 키우는 사람에게 쓰는 표현
You have a black thumb. 표현
> 반대로 손만 대면 잘 크던 화초가 갑자기 죽는다는가 시들시들해져서 볼품없어 질 때 쓰는 표현
> He / She has a black thumb.
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
9. Homework