영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.03.15 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 3. 15. 09:31

1. Speaking Drill

~ is / are broken : ~가 고장 났어요.

Excuse me, my seat cover is broken.

My phone is broken.

The rice cooker is broken.

Don'k drink it if the seal is broken because it can be harmful.

~ doesn't work / don't work : ~가 작동하지 않아요

And the video doesn't work.

The machine doesn't work.

This voice recorder doesn't work.

I don't know why, but the humidifier doesn't work.

available : 이용할 수 있는

Is there an aisle seat available?

Is it still available?

The red one is not available.

Are there any more reservations for dinner tonight?

2. Model Dialogue

Jake: Excuse me, my seat cover is broken.

Attendant: Oh, I'm sorry. Let me change your seat cover.

Jake: And the video doesn't work.

Attendant: Let me see... Do you want a different seat?

Jake: Is there an aisle seat available?

Attendant: No, only window seats are left.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

seat cover: 의자 커버

work: 작동하다

aisle seat: 통로 좌석

available: 이용할 수 있는

window seat: 창가 쪽 좌석

be left: 남아 있다

rice cooker: 밥솥

the seal: 밀봉한 것

voice recorder: 녹음기

humidifier: [hyü-ˈmid-ə-ˌfī(-ə)r, yü-] 가습기

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> '통로'를 가리키는 aisle과 '섬'을 뜻하는 isle의 발음이 같음.

> 이 처럼 발음이 같은 단어는 청취할 때 구별하기 어렵기 때문에 문맥에 따라 잘 이해해야 함

Aisle seat, please.

They walked down the aisle.

I prefer an aisle seat.

We could see the isle of Songdo.

The Lake isle of Innisfree was written by Willam Butler Yeats.

An isle is a small island.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: ~ 있어요?

Step 1: Is there...?

Step 2: 통로 쪽 좌석 있어요?

Step 2: Is there an aisle seat...?

Step 3: 통로 쪽 좌석 남아 있어요?

Step 3: Is there an aisle seat ________?

Step 4: 괞찬은 아르바이트 자리 남아 있어요?

Step 4: Is there _________________________?

6. 짤막 Tip

~ is broken. (~이 망가졌어요.) 표현

> '기계 / 물건 / 자전거 등 어떤 것이 망가졌다, 부서졌다' 라고 할 때 사용

> My phone is broken.

(내 휴대폰이 망가졌어.)

> Is the elevator broken again?

(엘리베이터가 또 고장 났어요?)

> My son's arm is broken.

(내 아들의 팔이 부러졌어요.)

> My heart is broken.

(이별을 했거나 상처를 받아서 마음이 아플 때)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

Are there any more reservations for dinner tonight?

9. Homework