Easy english - 13.03.18 학습
1. Speaking Drill
financial difficulties : 경제적인 어려움
Well, they finally got over their financial difficulties.
I'm faced with many financial difficulties.
They are having financial difficulties.
He ended up run onto some financial difficulties.
relieved : 다행인, 마음이 놓이는
You must be so relieved.
I'm relieved.
Now he look relieved.
We felt relieved to see her in such good condition again.
concern : 걱정, 염려
Thanks for your concern.
I showed him my concern.
They showed concern for the homeless people.
Why don't you take a break and put aside your concern?
2. Model Dialogue
Taylor: HI, Nick, you're back again! How're you doing?
Nick: I'm getting by.
Taylor: So how is your family doing back in your hometown?
Nick: Well, they finally got over their financial difficulties.
Taylor: You must be relieved.
Nick: Thanks for your concern.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
get by: 그럭저럭 지내다
hometown: 고향
finally: 드디어, 마침내
get over: 이겨 내다, 극복하다
financial difficulties: 경제적인 어려움
relieved: 마음이 놓이는, 안도하는
concern: 걱정, 근심
be faced with[on]: ...에 직면하다
be having: (문제에) 부딛치다. 격다
end up: 결국 (어떤 처지에) 처하게 되다
the homeless people: 노숙자
concern for: ~에 대한 염려, 우려
put aside: …을 한쪽으로 치우다; 제거하다, …을 일시적으로 잊다[보류하다]; [문제 따위]를 피하다, 무시[묵살]하다
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> 단어를 기억할 때는 소리 내어 발음하면서 억양에 주의
You finally got the job!
Thank you for your concern.
I'm so relieved.
Do you have any financial problems?
Where's your hometown?
I have difficulty memorizing names.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 너 분명히 ~하겠다.
Step 1: You must be...
Step 2: 너 정말 마음이 놓이겠다.
Step 2: You must be so relieved...
Step 3: 그 말 듣고 너 정말 마음이 놓이겠다.
Step 3: You must be so relieved _________.
Step 4: 그걸 보면 너 정말 신이 나겠다.
Step 4: You must be _______________.
6. 짤막 Tip
get over 극복하고 이겨 낼 대상?
> 병에 걸리거나 아픈일을 겪었을 때
> 일자리를 잃어서 힘들어 할 때
> 자신의 단점을 극복하고 이겨 냈을 때
You caught a cold?
I hope you will get it over it.
(감기에 걸리셨다고요? 회복하시길 바랄게요.)
I can't get over my ex-boyfriend.
(저는 아직 옛 남자 친구를 잊지 못하고 있어요.)
He can't get over his shyness.
(그는 자신의 소심함을 극복하지 못하고 있어요.)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
I'm faced with many financial difficulties.
They are having financial difficulties.
He ended up run onto some financial difficulties.
We felt relieved to see her in such good condition again.
They showed concern for the homeless people.
9. Homework