Easy english - 13.03.19 학습
1. Speaking Drill
unlock : (잠긴 것을)열다
Let me unlock it for you.
Who unlocked it?
Sideswipe the screen to unlock it.
Oh, my... I think I left the door unlocked.
I spend my free time -ing. : 나는 시간 날 때 ~해.
I spend my free time playing games.
I spend my free time reading.
I spend my free time working out.
I usually spend my free time surfing the internet.
typical : 전형적인
She's a pretty typical teenager.
He is a typical businessman.
It was just one of those typical Sundays.
This is typical Korean food, especially in the winter.
2. Model Dialogue
Sean: Let me unlock it for you.
Liz: Wow, you've got so many apps on your phone.
Sean: I spend my free time playing games.
Liz: Who is this beautiful lady?
Sean: That's my daughter. She's a pretty typical teenager.
Liz: Is this your eldest daughter?
Sean: NO! That's my wife.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
unlock: (잠긴 것을)열다
spend: 보내다
free time: 한가한 시간
typical: 전형적인
eldest daughter: 큰딸
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> l과 r로 시작하는 단어의 소리를 구별연습
> l로 시작할 때는 혀끝을 입천장에 대고, r로 시작할 때는 입을 /우/처럼 오르렸다가 발음
Please turn on the light.
It's on your right.
Turn left at the intersection.
Do you like rafting?
My score isl low.
I've been late for work for three days in a row.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 저는 ~를 보내요.
Step 1: I spend...
Step 2: 저는 여유 시간을 보내요.
Step 2: I spend my free time...
Step 3: 저는 게임을 하면서 여유 시간을 보내요.
Step 3: I spend my free time playing games.
Step 4: 저는 그냥 돌아다니면서 여유 시간을 보내요.
Step 4: I spend _______________________________.
6. 짤막 Tip
반대말로 만들어 주는 un- 접두어
> un-을 쓰면 그 동사의 뜻과 반대되는 뜻이 됨
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
Sideswipe the screen to unlock it.
Oh, my... I think I left the door unlocked.
I usually spend my free time surfing the internet.
It was just one of those typical Sundays.
9. Homework