영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.03.20 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 3. 20. 10:16

1. Speaking Drill

You're staring to ~. : 네가 ~하기 시작하는 구나.

You're starting to get on my nerves.

You're staring to scare me.

You're staring to get really annoying.

You're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

stand : 참다, 견디다

I'm sorry but I really can't stand the loud stomping sounds.

I can't stand it.

She couldn't stand him anymore.

I can't stand to hear you crying like that.

I'll make sure ~. : 반드시 ~할게요.

I'll make sure this never happens again.

I'll make sure I get it back to you.

I'll make sure may schedule is free on that day.

I'll make sure everyone gets there on time.

2. Model Dialogue

(Mike is playing basketball in the apartment.)

Helen: Mike! You're starting to get on my nerves. Oh, I can't take this anymore.

(A doorbell rings.)

Helen: Can you get the door? Oh...

Neighbor: Excuse me, I'm from downstairs. I'm sorry, but I really cant' stand the loud stomping sounds anymore.

Helen: I'm sorry. I'll make sure this never happens again.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

get on one's nerves: 신경을 거슬리게 하다

take: 참다, 견디다

get the door: 문을 열어 주다

downstairs: 아랫집

stand: 참다, 견디다

stomping sound: 쿵광거리는 소리

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> can과 can't를 구별

> can't의 t가 안 들리고 can처럼 들리는 것 같아도 부정형인 경우가 많아 연습 필요

I think I can do that.

No, I can't do that.

I can help you with that.

Oh, I can't help you with that.

We can understand you.

Sorry, but we can't understand you.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 반드시 ~할게요.

Step 1: I'll make sure...

Step 2: 반드시 이런 일이 없게 할게요.

Step 2: I'll make sure this never happens...

Step 3: 반드시 다시는 이런 일이 없게 할게요.

Step 3: I'll make sure this never happens again.

6. 짤막 Tip

stomp (발음 쿵쿵거리며 걷다)

> She[He] stomped out of the room[office].

(방이나 사무실에서 두 사람이 다투다가 화가 나서 한 사람이 쿵쿵거리며 나가버린 상황)

> A man was stomping his feet next to me.

(어떤 남자가 옆에서 계속 발을 쿵쿵 구르고 있었는 상황)

> 가장 흔한 층간 소음이 stomping sound

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework