Easy english - 13.03.21 학습
1. Speaking Drill
who ~ : ~하는(사람)
Hello, I'm Roy who called this morning.
I'm the one who called you.
Is there anyone who can fill me in?
I like the people who are ready to listen to others.
I volunteered to ~. : 내가 ~하겠다고 자원했어.
I volunteered to read books to kids.
I volunteered to do ti.
I volunteered to speak to him about it.
I volunteered to help out at the orphanage.
except ~ : ~를 제외하고
Mondays to Fridays, except Thursdays.
I'm free except Sundays.
My brother loves all animals except rats.
Everyone except me went out to see a movie.
2. Model Dialogue
Roy: Hello, I'm Roy who called this morning.
Volunteer: Oh, thank you for coming, Roy.
Roy: I volunteered to read books to kids.
Volunteer: Right, What time are you available?
Roy: Mondays to Fridays, except Thursdays.
Volunteer: I see. We listened to your voice recording.
Roy: Was it okay?
Volunteer: It was excellent. You have a gift for that.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
call: 전화하다
volunteer: 자원하다
read books to ~: ~에게 책을 읽어주다
except ~: ~를 제외하고, ~는 빼고
gift: 재능
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> ds의 발음은 쉬게 /즈/처럼 하면 됨
> 단, 앞에 'ㅅ'받침이 있는 것처럼 좀 강하게 발음
Do you like billiards game?
My sister feeds my cat.
We talked about it afterwards.
Look at the birds.
I like being with kids.
What are these pads for?
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 제가 ~하는 일에 자원했어요.
Step 1: I volunteered to...
Step 2: 제가 책을 읽어 주는 일에 자원했어요.
Step 2: I volunteered to read books...
Step 3: 제가 아이들에게 책을 읽어 주는 일에 자원했어요.
Step 3: I volunteered to read books to kids.
Step 4: 제가 아이들과 놀아 주는 일에 지원했어요.
Step 4: I volunteered to ______________________.
6. 짤막 Tip
> '원래 있던 재능' 이나 '재주'는 gift나 talent라고 함
> I have a gift for ~.
> You have a gift for ~.
> '능력' 이라는 뜻
> '어떤 것을 할 줄 아는 '능력' 이나 '역량'을 뜻함
> '적성' 이나 '소질'을 뜻함
> aptitude for ~
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
9. Homework