Easy english - 13.03.22 학습
1. Speaking Drill
I lost ~. : ~를 잃어버렸어.
Well, actually, I lost my tour guide.
I lost my phone.
I lost track of the time.
I invested in some stocks but I lost a lot of money.
Do you mind If I ~? : ~해도 될까요?
Do you mind if I use your phone?
Do you mind if I sit here?
Do you mind If I leave now?
Do you mind if I ask you something private?
~ isn't / aren't very reliable. : ~는 별로 믿을 수가 없다.
The reception isn't very reliable around here.
This information isn't very reliable.
I don't think Tom is a very reliable person.
The Internet connection here isn't very reliable.
2. Model Dialogue
Woman: Excuse me, are you lost?
Jake: Well, actually, I lost my tour guide
Woman: Oh, my...
Jake: Do you mind if I use your phone?
Woman: Of course not. Here you are.
Jake: Thank you. (making a phone call) Hello? This is Jake. Hello? You're breaking up.
Woman: The reception isn't very reliable are around here.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
tour guide: 관광 가이드
break up: (전화 등의 연결이) 끊기다
reception: 연결, 수신 상태
reliable: 믿을 수 있는, 좋은
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> /l/ 발음으로 끝나는 단어는 /l/이 /을/보다는 /얼/에 가깝게 들릴 수 있어 연습이 필요
Is this on sale?
Put it on the wall.
Where's the bell?
Have three meals a day.
I prefer an aisle seat.
It's not a big deal.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 수신 상태가 ~
Step 1: The reception...
Step 2: 수신 상태가 별로 좋지 않아요.
Step 2: The reception isn't very reliable...
Step 3: 이 주변은 수신 상태가 별로 좋지 않아요.
Step 3: The reception isn't very reliable ___________.
Step 4: 이런 정보는 그다지 믿을 만하지 않아요.
Step 4: _____________ isn't very reliable.
5. 짤막 Tip
You're breaking up. (전화가 끊겨요.)
> 통화를 하는데 수신 상태가 좋지 않을 때 쓸 수 있는 표현
> You're breaking up.
(상대방의 말이 들리다 안들리다 할 때 사용)
> There's a static on the line.
(잡음이 있다.)
> The phone was cut off.
(통화를 신나게 하고 있는데 갑자기 툭! 하고 전화가 끝겨 버리는 겨웅 사용)
6. Comments & Practice
7. 외워야 할 표현
8. Homework