영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.03.26 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 3. 26. 09:28

1. Speaking Drill

I used to ~. : 전에는 ~했어요.

I used to do day trading, but not anymore.

I used to be shy.

I used to work for that company.

I used to go out with him but we broke up.

unfortunately : 불행히도, 아쉽게도

Yes, actually, I lost quite a bit, unfortunately.

Unfortunately, I cant' make it.

Unfortunately, we lost the game.

I didn't do very well on the test, unfortunately.

what will happen : 어떻게 될지

It's hard to predict what will happen in the market.

Do you know what will happen next?

I have no idea what will happen if he quits.

What will happen if I miss the final exams?

2. Model Dialogue

Pam: Do you invest in stocks?

Sean: I used to do day trading, but not anymore.

Pam: Did you  lose a lot of money?

Sean: Yes, actually, I lost quite a bit, unfortunately.

Pam: The KOSPI hit an all-time high recently.

Sean: It did, but the stock market closed lower today.

Pam: It's hard to predict what will happen in the market.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

invest: 투자하다

stocks: 주식

day trading: (주식/상품의) 당일치기 매매

lose: 잃어버리다

quite a bit: 꽤 많이

unfortunately: 불행하게도, 아쉽게도

all-time high: 사상 최고치

recently: 최근에, 요즘에

predict: 예측하다

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> recently, certainly 등의 t는 잘 안들릴 수 있음

> 자음이 세 개 이상 이어지는 단어에서, 특히 n 다음에 오는 t는 잘 들리지 않으니 주의해서 듣는 연습이 필요

How've you been recently?


Apparently, he looked okay.

He tried for it consistently.

She finished it brilliantly.

The child smiled faintly.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: ~하기가 어렵네요.

Step 1: It's hard to...

Step 2: 예측하기가 어렵네요.

Step 2: It's hard to predict...

Step 3: 어떻게 될지를 예측하기가 어렵네요.

Step 3: It's hard to predict what will happen.

Step 4: 둘 사이 차이를 알아내는 게 어렵네요.

Step 4: It's hard to tell the difference between the two.

6. 짤막 Tip

all-time high (사상 최고치)와 많이 쓰는 동사 표현

> reach all-time high

> reach a new all-time high

> hit an all-time high

> record all-time high

> record an all-time high

> mark an all-time high

> The prices are all-time high.

(물가가 올라서 가격이 사상 최고치를 기록하고 있는 상태인경우)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework