Easy english - 13.03.27 학습
set the alarm : 알람을 맞추다
Why do you set the alarm for several different times?
Do you need to set the alarm?
What time do I should set the alarm for?
Did you remember to set the alarm?
from now on : 지금부터
I 'll set it for only one time from now on.
I'll be on time from now on.
From now on I will be your partner.
From now on, John will be our manager.
I'm off ~. : 나 ~하러 간다.
I'm off to work now.
I'm off to the game.
I'm off to see the wizard.
I'm off on a trip tomorrow morning.
2. Model Dialogue
Helen: Why do you set the alarm for several different times?
Husband: Is it annoying?
Helen: A little. I can't sleep well because of the noise.
Husband: I see. I'll set it for only one time from now on.
Helen: Thank you.
Husband: I'm off to work now. I'll see you tonight.
Helen: Can you take the food waste out when you leave?
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
set the alarm: 알람을 맞추다
annoying: 신경에 거슬리는, 짜증이 나는
noise: 소리, 소음
food waste: 음식물 쓰레기
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> 단모음과 장모음 소리를 구별해서 연습
Do you live here?
I'm leaving tomorrow.
Don't hit me on the head.
I can't stand the heat.
I'm tired a bit.
Did you beat the team?
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 너는 왜 ~하니?
Step 1: Why did you...?
Step 2: 너는 왜 알람을 맞추니?
Step 2: Why did you set the alarm?
Step 3: 너는 왜 알람을 여러 다른 시간으로 맞추니?
Step 3: Why did you set the alarm for several different times?
Step 4: 넌 왜 똑같은 말을 하니?
Step 4: Why do you always say the same thing?
6. 짤막 Tip
annoying (짜증 나는)
> irritating
> Oh, that sound is irritating.
(어떤 소리가 너무 거슬릴 때)
> It's really irritating.
(손톱 밑에 가시가 들어 갔거나, 피곤한 나머지 입안이 헐어서 염증이 생겼을 때)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
9. Homework