Easy english - 13.03.29 학습
1. Speaking Drill
witness : 목격하다
Did anybody witness it?
Who witnessed it?
Did they witness the event?
I didn't actually witness anything.
worth : 가치가 있는, 값이 나가는
How much is it worth?
What is it worth?
Is that actually worth anything?
How much is this planning worth?
the latest ~ : 최신의 ~
No, I just know it's the latest model of ACE Electronics.
This is our latest model.
It is the latest trend in men's fashion.
The latest news from him is not good.
2. Model Dialogue
(Jake had his camera stolen on the street while traveling.)
Police Officer: So what time did it happened?
Jake: About an hour ago.
Police Officer: Did anybody witness it?
Jake: I don't think so.
Police Officer: How much is it worth?
Jake: About 400$.
Police Officer: Do you have your product number?
Jake: No, I just know that it's the latest model of ACE Electronics.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
witness: 목격하다
worth: 가치가 있는, 값이 나가는
product number: 제품 번호
latest: 최신의
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> 강세를 받지 못해서 약하게 발음되는 dark light 't' 발은 연습
> 'r'처럼 발음하지 않도록 주의
This is latest movie.
Turn on the meter.
Peter, where are you from?
Don't turn on the heater.
I need a baby sitter.
See you later.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 그냥 ~라는 것만 알아요.
Step 1: I just know that...
Step 2: 그냥 그게 최신 모델이라는 것만 알아요.
Step 2: I just know that it's the latest model...
Step 3: 그냥 그게 ACE 전자의 최신 모델이라는 것만 알아요.
Step 3: I just know that it's the latest model of ACE Electronics.
Step 4: 그 사람이 여기 스태프 중의 하나라는 것만 알아요.
Step 4: I just know that he's one of the staff here.
6. 짤막 Tip
worth (가치가 있는) 표현
> '이게 얼마짜린 줄 알아?, 그건 얼마짜리예요?, 그 일이 그렇게 고생할 가치가 있어요?' 와 같이 말할 때 모두 worth를 넣어 말할 수 있음
> Do you know how much it's worth?
(이게 얼마짜린 줄 알아?)
> How much is it worth?
(그건 얼마짜리예요?)
> Is that job worth the trouble?
(그 일이 그렇게 고생할 가치가 있어요?)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
9. Homework