Easy english - 13.04.01 학습
1. Speaking Drill
be just around the corner : ~가 머지않다, 코앞이다
Midterms are just around the corner.
Your birthday is just around the corner.
Our anniversary is just around the corner.
Final exams are just around the corner.
be canceled : ~가 취소되다
The midterms are canceled.
The plan is canceled.
Our meeting is canceled.
The family get-together is canceled.
I'll go ~. : 내가 가서 ~할래.
Oh, then I'll go catch up on some sleep.
I'll go get it.
I'll go pick it up.
I'll go find out why.
2. Model Dialogue
Taylor: Hi, John, where are you headed?
John: To the library. Midterms are just around the corner.
Taylor: Didn't you hear? The midterms are canceled.
John: Are you serious? Oh, then I'll go catch up on some sleep.
Taylor: April Fool's!
John: Oh, no!!
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
be headed: ~로 향하다
midterms: 중간고사
cancel: 취소하다
serious: 진짜인, 진심인
catch up on: 만회하다
April Fool's Day: 만우절
final exams: 기말고사
family get-together: 가족모임
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> '듣다' 라는 뜻의 hear와, '여기'를 가리키는 here는 철자는 다르지만 발음은 똑같음
> 소리로 구분하기 어려운 경우로, 문맥상으로 어떤 단어인지 잘 듣고 판단하는 연습 필요
I can't here you.
Will you wait here?
I didn't hear that.
I'm here.
What did you hear?
Here you are.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: ~에 가는 중이야.
Step 1: I'm headed...
Step 2: 도서관에 가는 중이야.
Step 2: I'm headed to the library.
Step 3: 중간고사가 코앞이라 도서관에 가는 중이야.
Step 3: I'm headed to the library because midterms are just around the corner.
Step 4: 아들 생일이 곧 다가와서 제과점에 가는 중이에요.
Step 4: I'm headed to the bakery because my son's birthday is just around the corner.
6. 짤막 Tip
catch up on의 쓰임
> catch up: 밀린 일을 하거나 오랫동안 만나지 못한 친구를 만나서 그동안 하지 못한 이야기를 할 때도 쓰는 표현
> catch up on sleep
(밀린 잠을 보충하다, 밀린 잠을 자다)
> catch up on my work
(밀린 일[다 하지 못한 일]을 하다)
> We've got a lot of things to catch up on.
(우리 그동안 못했던 말들, 할 말이 참 많구나)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
The family get-together is canceled.
Oh, then I'll go catch up on some sleep.
I'll go find out why.
Are you serious?
I can't here you.
(안 들려요.)
Here you are.
9. Homework