영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.04.02 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 4. 2. 09:29

1. Speaking Drill

What do we have ~? : (~에) 뭐가 있지?

What do we have on the agenda?

What do we have in the refrigerator?

What do we have in the cabinet?

What do we have on the shopping 

wrap up : 마치다, 끝내다

Can we wrap up this meeting by 11:30?

Time to wrap it up.

Let's wrap up the meeting.

Why don't we wrap up the show now?

Let's ~ first. : 먼저 ~하자.

Let's take care of this item first.

Let's eat first.

Let's talk about it first.

Let's find out the reason first.

2. Model Dialogue

Sean: What do we have on the agenda?

Cindy: We need to talk about our pending projects.

Sean: Can we wrap up this meeting by 11:30?

Cindy: I hope so.

Sean: Okay, then what's first?

Cindy: Let's take care of this item first.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

agenda: (회의)안건

pending: 보류 중인

wrap up: 마치다, 끝내다

item: 항목

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> 강세를 못 받아 약하게 발은 되는 'light t'의 소리를 잘 듣고 연습

> t 발음을 제대로 할 때나 약하게 할 때 혀의 위치와 입 모양이 같도록 연습

I have a meeting.

Let's take care of this item.

I had a birthday party.

Peter is going to help us.

It's ten centimeters long.

How long have you been waiting?

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 우리는 ~에 대해 얘기해야 해요.

Step 1: We need to talk about...

Step 2: 우리는 보류 중인 프로젝트에 대해 얘기해야 해요.

Step 2: We need to talk about our pending projects...

Step 3: 오늘 우리는 보류 중인 프로젝트에 대해 얘기해야 해요.

Step 3: We need to talk about our pending projects today.

Step 4: 주말에 우리는 집안 청소를 해야 해요.

Step 4: We need to clean up the house on the weekend.

6. 짤막 Tip

pending의 표현

> '미결의, 미정의, 아직 결정되지 않은 현안의' 라는 뜻

> a pending file

(미결제 서류)

> pending disputes

(아직 끝나지 않은 논쟁, 계속되고 있는 논쟁)

> pending matter

(미결 사안)

long-pending + 무엇

(오랫동안 끌어오면서 해결되지 않는 사안)

7.Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

I hope so.

Let's take care of this item first.

It's ten centimeters long.

9. Homework