영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.04.03 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 4. 3. 09:37

1. Speaking Drill

How about when you ~? : ~할 때는 어때?

How about when you talk?

How about when you're tired?

How about when you don't want to work?

How about when they say no to your proposal?

Do you mind if I ~? : 제가 ~해도 될까요?

Oh, do you mind if I eat this?

Do you mind if I leave?

Do you mind if I say no?

Do you mind if I excuse myself from the table now?

Didn't you say ~? : 너 ~라고 하지 않았니?

Didn't you say your throats hurt?

Didn't you say you're busy?

Didn't you say you can take the job?

Didn't you say you live with your parents?

2. Model Dialogue

(Helen's son Mike's tonsils are swollen.)

Mike: Mom, it hurts when I swallow.

Helen: How about when you talk? Does it still hurts?

Mike: Yes, should I go see a doctor?

Helen: I'm afraid so. It seems like your throats are swollen.

Mike: (looking at a piece of cake) Oh, do you mind if I eat this?

Helen: Didn't you say your throat hurts?

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

tonsil: 편도선

swollen: 부은

hurt: 아프다

swallow: 삼키다

still: 여전히, 아직도

throat: 목, 목구멍

say no: 거절하다

take the job: 일을 맡다/하다

have a talk: 얘기하다

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> 단어 끝에 있는 k 소리에 모음을 넣지 말고 자음 k 소리만 내면서 발음 연습

Let's have a talk.

What's she like?

This is the last chiffon cake.

Can you call me next week?

We ran out of milk.

It feels like silk.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 네 편도선이 부었구나.

Step 1: Your tonsils are swollen.

Step 2: 네 편도선이 부어서 병원에 가야겠다.

Step 2: Your tonsils are swollen so you should go see a doctor.

Step 3: 네 편도선이 부어서 병원에 가 봐야 할 것 같다.

Step 3: It seems like your tonsils are swollen so you should go see a doctor.

Step 4: 컨디션이 안 좋아서, 집에 있는 게 좋을 것 같아요.

Step 4: It seems like I'm in bad condition so I'd better stay home.

6. 짤막 Tip

hurt 의 표현

> '아프다, 다치다, 아프게 하다' 라는 뜻

> Oh, my back hurts.

(허리가 아프다.)

> Where does it hurts?

(어디가 아프세요?)

> I hurt my finger.

(요리 하다가 손가락을 다쳤을 때.)

> He was seriously hurt in the accident.

(어떤 사람이 사고로 크게 다쳤다면)

7. Comments & Practice

I hope so.

(그러기를 바란다는 의미)

I hope not.

(그러기를 바라지 않는다는 의미)

I'm afraid so.

(안타깝지만/아쉽지만 그렇다는 의미)

I'm afraid not.

(안타깝지만/아쉽지만 그러지 않다는 의미)

8. 외워야 할 표현

Do you mind if I excuse myself from the table now?

(지금 식탁에서 일어나도 되나요?)

Didn't you say you can take the job?

(너 그 일 할 수 있다고 하지 않았니?)

How about when you talk?

Does it still hurts?

I'm afraid so.

(그래야 할 것 같은데.)

It seems like your throats are swollen.

What's she like?

(그 여자 어떤 사람이야?)

It feels like silk.

It seems like I'm in bad condition so I'd better stay home.

I hope so.

I hope not.

I'm afraid so.

I'm afraid not.

9. Homework