영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.04.04 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 4. 4. 09:24

1. Speaking Drill

You should be careful -ing. : ~할 때 조심해야 해.

You should be careful stepping on it.

You should be careful driving.

You should be careful talking with him.

You should be careful taking care of babies.

Is ~ around here? : ~가 이 근처에 있나요?

Is Bear Bar around here?

Is an ATM around here?

Is a vet clinic around here?

Is a convenience store around here?

be famous for ~ : ~로 유명하다.

I heard that restaurant is famous for its Goulash.

Hawaii is famous for its active volcanoes.

This place is famous for its delicious food.

He is famous for his great fashion sense.

2. Model Dialogue

(Roy is traveling in Hungary.)

Roy: Oh, this escalator is really fast.

Passer-by: Yes, you should be careful stepping on it.

Roy: Thank you. Can I ask you something?

Passer-by: Sure.

Roy: Is Bear Bar around here? I heard that restaurant is famous for its Goulash.

Passer-by: Right. It's right across the street.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

step on: ~에 발을 디디다

famous: 유명한

right across the street: 바로 길 건너편에

ATM: 현금 인출기

vet clinic: 동물 병원

convenience store: 편의점

fashion sense: 패션 감각

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> st나 sk처럼 자음만 두 개가 이어질 때 두 발음 사이에 모음 /으/ 소리를 넣지 않고 자음만 발음 하도록 연습

I like spring most.

Feel free to ask me.

She's my best friend.

What's the risk?

I didn't like her at first.

Where is my desk?

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 이 에스컬레이터는 아주 빨라요.

Step 1: This escalator is really fast.

Step 2: 이 에스컬레이터는 아주 빨라서 조심하셔야 해요.

Step 2: This escalator is really fast so you should be careful...

Step 3: 이 에스컬레이터는 아주 빨라발을 디딜 때 조심하셔야 해요.

Step 3: This escalator is really fast so you should be careful stepping on it.

Step 4: 가위가 아주 날카로우니까, 쓰실 때 조심하셔야 해요.

Step 4: The scissors are really sharp so you should be careful using them.

6. 짤막 Tip

Step의 쓰임

> '발자국 소리, (발)걸음, 하나씩의 계단' 이라는 명사의 뜻

> '발을 디디다' 라는 동사의 뜻

> I can recognize her step.

(난 그 여자의 발자국 소리를 알아차릴 수 있어.)

> Step back.

(한 걸음 뒤로 물러나다.)

(가끔 바쁜 일상을 멈추고 뒤로 물러서 여유를 가지라고 할 때)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

He is famous for his great fashion sense.

Can I ask you something?

I like spring most.

(난 봄이 제일 좋아.)

Feel free to ask me.

(저한테 편하게 물어보세요.)

9. Homework