영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.04.05 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 4. 5. 09:34

1. Speaking Drill

already : 벌써, 이미 (문장 끝에서)

You have Ninjago Y at home already.

Has he gone already?

Did you eat it up already?

Did they leave for the airport already?

that kind of money : 그렇게 많은 돈

I don't have that kind of money.

How can I have that kind of money?

Where can I get that kind of money?

out of budget : 예산을 초과한

It's just that it's out of my budget.

That's out of my budget.

Getting a car is out of our budget.

Staying in an expensive hotel is out of budget.

2. Model Dialogue

(Jake is taking his nephew to a big mart)

Brad: Jake, I want to get this Ninjago W.
Jake: No, you have Ninjago Y at home already.

Brad: Then what about that Ninjago costume?

Jake: Oh... no. I don't have that kind of money.

Brad: Are you poor, Jake?

Jake: No, I'm not. It's just that it's out of my budget.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

take ~ to ...: ~를 ...에 데리고 가다

nephew: (남자)조카

costume: 의상, 옷

budget: 예산

at home: 집에

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> kind of와 out of의 연음 연습

> kind of에서 kind의 d 소리가 거의 들리지 않고 of로 연음 /카이너/

> out of에서는 out of가 한 단어처럼 연음 /아우러/

That's kind of tough.

What kind of movies is it?

I like this kind of idea.

Get out of here.

Is this song "Making love out of nothing at all"?

Are you out of your mind?

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 나한테 ~은 없어.

Step 1: I don't have...

Step 2: 나한테 그만한 돈은 없어.

Step 2: I don't have that kind of money.

Step 3: 나한테 그만한 돈이 없어서 저건 못 사.

Step 3: I don't have that kind of money so I can't buy that.

Step 4: 내가 어디서 차를 살 수 있는 그만한 돈을 구하니?

Step 4: Where can I get that kind of money to buy a car?

6. 짤막 Tip

'옷'을 가리키는 단어들

> clothes, outfit, costume 등이 모두 옷을 가리키는 말

> clothes

(모은 옷의 총칭하는 말)

> outfit

(위아래로 한 벌로 차려입은 옷)

> I like your outfit today.

(네가 오늘 입은 (위아래) 복장이 마음에 든다.)

> costume

(할로윈 의상이나 닌자고 의상, 번개맨 옷 등의 특정한 양식의 옷)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

Did they leave for the airport already?

Getting a car is out of our budget.

How can I have that kind of money?

Where can I get that kind of money?

Staying in an expensive hotel is out of budget.

It's just that it's out of my budget.

That's kind of tough.

What kind of movies is it?

Are you out of your mind?

9. Homework