Easy english - 13.04.11 학습
1. Speaking Drill
the best time to ~ : ~하기에 가장 좋은 때
I think spring is the best time to visit Hungary.
It's the best time to say that.
When is the best time to exercise?
When's the best time to go to East Europe?
Where do you think ~? 어디에 ~라고 생각하세요?
Where do you think I should go here?
Where do you think my son is?
Where do you think I should sit?
Where do you think I can get some sleep?
Don't miss Visegrad.
Don't miss the movie.
Don't miss the last scene.
Don't miss the chance to meet Pororro.
2. Model Dialogue
(in Hungary)
Roy: I think spring is the best time to visit Hungary.
Traveler: You're right. Flowers are in full bloom and the air is so fresh.
Roy: Where do you think I should go here?
Traveler: Have you been to Budapast yet?
Roy: Not yet. And what else?
Traveler: Don't miss Visegrad. It's the most beautiful part of the Danube Bend.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
in full bloom: 만개하여, 활짝 펴
fresh: 신선한, 맑은
miss: 놓치다
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> full은 짧게 발음 하는 단모음
> fool은 길게 발음 하는 장모음
> 길이로만이 아니라 문맥상으로 이해할 수 있도록 연습 필요
I'm full
Flowers are in full bloom everywhere.
I've got a full-time job.
What a fool!
I feel like a fool when I make a mistake.
April Fool's!
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 내 생각에는 ~인 것 같아요.
Step 1: I think...
Step 2: 내 생각에는 봄이 제일 좋은 때 같아요.
Step 2: I think spring is the best time...
Step 3: 내 생각에는 봄이 헝가리에 가기에 제일 좋은 때 같아요.
Step 3: I think spring is the best time to visit Hungary.
Step 4: 연애편지 쓰기에 밤이 제일 좋은 때 같아요.
Step 4: I think nights is the best time to write love letters.
6. 짤막 Tip
miss의 쓰임
> '그리워하다' 라는 뜻도 있고 '놓치다'라는 뜻도 있음
> I still miss him.
(나는 아직도 그 사람이 그립다.)
> I'm going to miss you.
(난 네가 정말 그리울 거야.)
> Did you miss the bus?
(버스를 놓쳤어?)
> I don't want to miss the chance.
(난 기회를 놓치고 싶지 않아.)
> '(태풍 등이) (어디를) 비껴가다' 라는 뜻
> Luckily, the typhoon missed this city.