Easy english - 13.04.15 학습
1. Speaking Drill
be stressed out : 스트레스를 받다
I think I'm really stressed out.
I'm stressed out.
It looks like my sister is stressed out.
What do you do when you're stressed out?
try ~ : ~를 해 보다
Why don't you try a temple stay?
Let's try a new way.
Will you try a glass?
Is it closed? Try the doorknob.
It'll help you ~. : 그게 ~하는 데 도움이 될 거야.
It'll help you feel healed and cured.
It'll help you relax.
It'll help you feel better.
It'll help you move on.
2. Model Dialogue
Taylor: I think I'm stressed out.
John: Why don't you try a temple stay?
Taylor: Temple stay?
John: Yes, you can visit this website and find out all about it.
Taylor: But I'm not Buddhist.
John: It doesn't matter. It'll help you feel healed and cured.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
be stressed out: 스트레스를 받다
Buddhist: 불교 신자
heal: 치유하다, 낫게 하다
cure: 고치다, 치유하다
walk up a hill: 언덕을 걸어 오르다
healing music: 치유가 되는 음악
healing emotions: 감정 치유
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> hill은 짧게 소리 내는 단모음
> heal 길게 발음하는 장모음
> 문맥상으로도 구별할 수 있도록 연습 필요
Can you walk up the hill?
My house is on the hill.
Let's rest at the top of the hill.
What's your healing music?
Time will heal your sorrow.
Crying can be a way of healing emotions.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 난 정말 스트레스 받았어.
Step 1: I'm really stressed out.
Step 2: 난 정말 스트레스 받아서 템플 스테이를 해 볼 거야.
Step 2: I'm really stressed out so I'll try a temple stay.
Step 3: 난 정말 스트레스 받아서 다음 주에 템플 스테이를 해 볼 거야.
Step 3: I'm really stressed out so I'll try a temple stay next week.
Step 4: 나 정말 스트레스 받아서 내일 하루 휴가 낼 거야.
Step 4: I'm really stressed out so I'll take a day off tomorrow.
6. 짤막 Tip
스트레스 받다 표현
> '스트레스 받았다, 지쳤다' 라는 말의 표현
I'm stressed out.
I'm really stressed out.
I'm worn out.
I'm exhausted.
> lethargic: '무기력한' 이라는 뜻
I'm feeling lethargic.
> sluggish: '기진맥진한' 이라는 뜻
I've been feeling sluggish.
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
It looks like my sister is stressed out.
What do you do when you're stressed out?
Will you try a glass?
Try the doorknob.
It'll help you move on.
(살아가는 데 도움이 될 거야.)
you can visit this website and find out all about it.
It doesn't matter.
(상관 없어.)
Time will heal your sorrow.
Crying can be a way of healing emotions.
9. Homework