영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.04.18 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 4. 18. 09:37

1. Speaking Drill

Is ~ close from here? : ~가 여기서 가깝나요?

Is Gellert spa close from here?

Is your school close from here?

Is your destination close from here?

Is you apartment close from here?

Do I need ~ ? : ~가 있어야 해요?

Do I need a swimming suit?

Do I need a picture?

Do I need my resume?

Do I need a library car to check out books?

You can ~. : ~해요 돼.

You can buy or rent one at the spa.

You can keep it.

You can ask him for help.

You can use this computer for free.

2. Model Dialogue

Roy: Excuse me, is Gellert spa close from here?

Receptionist: Sure, You can walk from here.

Roy: Do I need a swimming suit?

Receptionist: Yes. You can buy or rent one at the spa.

Roy: Oh, that sounds good.

Receptionist: Enjoy your day.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

spa: 온천

close: 가까운

swimming suit: 수영복

rent: 빌리다

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> close '가까운' 이라는 뜻의 형용사일 때 발음은 /스/ 소리로 발음 됨

> close '닫다' 라는 뜻의 동사일 때 발음은 /즈/ 소리로 발음 됨

Is it close from here?

Min is my closest friend.

Please come closer.

I closed the door.

The restaurant is closed today.

Did you close the window?

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: ~를 사거나 빌리셔도 돼요.

Step 1: You can buy or rent...

Step 2: 수영복을 사거나 빌리셔도 돼요.

Step 2: You can buy or rent a swimming suit.

Step 3: 온천에서 수영복을 사거나 빌리셔도 돼요.

Step 3: You can buy or rent a swimming suit at the spa.

Step 4: 제 도움이 필요하시면 전화를 하시거나 문자를 주셔도 됩니다.

Step 4: You can call me or text me when you need my help.

6. 짤막 Tip

rent의 쓰임

> 동사 rent: '빌리다, 임대하다' 라는 뜻

> 명사 rent: '집세, 임대료' 라는 뜻

> How much is the rent for this apartment?

(이 아프트 집세가 얼마예요?)

> pay a high rent for ~
(비싼 임대료를 낸다.)

> pay a low rent for ~

(낮은 임대료를 난다.)

> raise the rent

(임대료를 올리다.)

> lower the rent
(임대료를 낮추다.)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework