영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.04.24 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 4. 24. 09:37

1. Speaking Drill

How did ~ go? : ~는 어떻게 되었어요?

How did the surgery go?

How did the meeting go?

How did the negotiation go?

How did your cooking go?

What's in ~? : ~에 뭐가 들어 있어?

What's in his mouth now?

What's in your purse?

What's in the wooden box?

What's in this folder?

Until ~. : ~할 때까지.

Until the bleeding stops.

Until she gets here.

Until I allow you to.

Until we find out the reason.

2. Model Dialogue

Husband: How did the surgery go?

Helen: Fine. The doctor extracted one of Mike's four wisdom teeth.

Husband: What's in his mouth now?

Helen: That's gauze. It helps stop the bleeding.

Husband: How long does he need to do that?

Helen: Until the bleeding stops.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

surgery: 수술

extract: 빼다, 추출하다

wisdom tooth: 사랑니

gauze: 거즈, 가제

bleeding: 출혈

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> l로 시작하는 long의 발음, r 소리로 시작하는 wrong의 발음을 구별해서 연습

I won't be long.

How long did you stay there?

How long is the bridge?

What's wrong with you?

Nothing's wrong.

Don't get me wrong.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 그는 거즈를 넣고 있어요.

Step 1 : He has gauze.

Step 2: 그는 입 안에 거즈를 넣고 있어요.

Step 2 : He has gauze in his mouth.

Step 3: 출혈을 멈추는 걸 도와줘서 그는 입 안에 거즈를 넣고 있어요.

Step 3 : He has gauze in his mouth because it helps stop bleeding.

Step 4: 교사들은 교내 따돌림을 없애는 데 도움이 되어서 학생들을 상담하기 시작했다.

Step 4: Teachers began to counsel their students because it helps stop bullying in school.

6. 짤막 Tip

extract의 쓰임

> '뽑아내다, 끄집어내다, 추출하다' 등 다양한 뜻으로 사용

> extract a cork from a bottle

(와인병에서 코르크 마개를 꺼내다)

> extract tonsils

(편도선을 절제하다)

> extract juice

(과일 등에서 주스, 즙을 추출하다)

> extract pleasure from

(~에서 즐거움을 이끌어내다/얻다)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework