Easy english - 13.04.25 학습
1. Speaking Drill
I ~ a lot. : 저는 ~를 많이 해요.
I cough and sneeze a lot.
I drive a lot.
I exercise a lot.
I walk a lot to lose weight.
Is is okay to ~? : ~해도 괜찮아요?
Is it okay to drive after taking this medicine?
Is it okay to leave now?
Is it okay to take a picture?
Is it okay to call you early in the morning?
It worn't ~. : ~하지 않을 거야.
It won't make you feel sleepy.
It won't hurt much.
It won't take so long.
It won't be easy to persuade your wife.
2. Model Dialogue
Roy: Oh, I cough and sneeze a lot.
Pharmacist: This cold medicine can help you.
Roy: Is it okay to drive after taking this medicine?
Pharmacist: No, This medicine can make you feel sleepy.
Roy: Is there anything else I can take?
Pharmacist: Here is something that is non-drowsy. It won't make you feel sleepy.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
cough: 기침하다
sneeze: 재채기하다
cold medicine: 감기약
take medicine: 약을 복용하다
non-drowsy: 졸리지 않는
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> cough와 laugh, enough 등의 gh는 /f/로 발음
Why are you laughing?
I cough a lot.
Enough is enough.
Don't make me laugh.
It'll stop your coughing.
I've had enough.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: ~해도 괜찮을까요?
Step 1: Is it okay to...?
Step 2: 운전해도 괜찮을까요?
Step 2: Is it okay to drive?
Step 3: 이 약을 먹고 나서 운전해도 괜찮을까요?
Step 3: Is it okay to drive after taking this medicine?
Step 4: 많이 먹고 나서 운동을 해도 괜찮을까요?
Step 4: Is it okay to exercise after eating a lot?
6. 짤막 Tip
감기 증상에 관한 표현들
> I ache all over.
(감기 몸살로 온몸이 쑤신다면)
> I have a sore throat.
(목이 아프면)
> I have a fever.
(열이 나면)
> My tonsils are swollen.
(편도선이 부었으면)
> I have a runny noise.
(콧물이 나면)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
9. Homework