영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.04.30 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 4. 30. 09:26

1. Speaking Drill

Where do you ~? : 어디에(서) ~하세요?

Where do you invest your money?

Where do you work?

Where do you want to go this summer?

Where do you stay while you're here in Korea?

What kind of ~? : 어떤 ~?

What kind of a return do you get?

What kind of future wait for us?

What kind of potential are you talking about?

What kind of dog do you have at home?

wait until ~ : ~때까지 기다리다

I need to wait until the end of this year.

Let's wait until 7:20.

I waited until almost midnight.

We waited until the next morning.

2. Model Dialogue

Cindy: Where do you invest your money?

Sean: I just keep my money in a high-yield savings account.

Cindy: What kind of a return do you get?

Sean: I don't know yet. I need to wait until the end of this year.

Cindy: I see. I've lost a lot of money in the stock market.

Sean: Oh...

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

invest: 투자하다

keep: 넣다, 보관하다

high-yield: 이자율이 높은, 고수익의

savings account: 예금 계좌

return: 이익, 수익

stock market: 주식 시장

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> sp, st, sk처럼 /s/ 소리 뒤에 /p/, /t/, /k/가 이어지면 뒤에 오는 /p/, /t/, /k/의 소리가 강하게 발음

Do you speak Chinese?

What's your favorite sport?

I like your style.

Where can I get those stickers?

Who's screaming?

Let me check my schedule.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 난 ~해야 해.

Step 1: I need to...

Step 2: 기다려 봐야 해요.

Step 2: I need to wait.

Step 3: 올해 말까지 기다려 봐야 해요.

Step 3: I need to wait until the end of this year.

Step 4: 저는 내일 아침까지 여기 있어야 해요.

Step 4: I need to stay here until tomorrow morning.

6. 짤막 Tip

은행과 관련된 표현들

> savings account

(저축성 계좌)

> interest rate


> deposit / make a deposit

(돈을 입금하다)

> withdraw


> open a new account

(새로운 계좌를 만들다)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework