영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.05.02 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 5. 2. 09:26

1. Speaking Drill

Are you carrying ~? : ~를 가지고 계신가요?

Are you carrying more than 10,000 dollars with you?

Are you carrying any dangerous items?

Are you carrying a laptop computer with you?

Are you carrying your phone with you?

that much : 그렇게 많이 

No, I don't have that much.

It doesn't weight that much.

It doesn't cost that much.

I have thought about it that much.

It's going to be ~, but ... : ~하겠지만, ...

It's going to be windy, but not too cold.

It's going to be enjoyable, but not that fun.

It's going to be a great experience, but not that easy.

It's going to be tough, but try your best anyway.

2. Model Dialogue

Officer: Excuse me, are you carrying more than 10,000 dollars with you?

Roy: No, I don't have that much.

Officer: I see. Is this your first visit to Chicago?

Roy: Yes, it is. I'm hoping to see many of the beautiful sights here.

Officer: It's going to be windy, but not too cold.

Roy: That's good. I heard May is the best time to visit Chicago.

3. Vocabulary & Listening Tips

carry: 가지고 있다, 소지하다

sight: 풍경, 광경

windy: 바람이 많이 부는

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> /j/ 소리가 들어간 단어의 발음을 할 때는 yeah를 여러 번 소리 낸 후에 말하도록 여러번 연습

You look beautiful.

That program makes me yawn.

There are only a few items left.

That doesn't sound new to me.

Your baby looks really cute.

How about Tuesday?

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 바람은 많이 불 거예요.

Step 1: It's going to be windy.

Step 2: 바람은 많이 불겠지만, 그렇게 춥지는 않을 거예요.

Step 2: It's going to be windy, but not too cold.

Step 3: 이맘때면 바람은 많이 불겠지만, 그렇게 춥지는 않을 거예요.

Step 3: It's going to be windy, but not too cold at this time of year.

Step 4: 어렵긴 하겠지만, 해 볼 만한 가치는 있어요.

Step 4: It's going to be difficult, but it's worth it.

6. 짤막 Tip

carry의 쓰임

> '휴대하다, 가지고 있다, 지니다'라는 뜻

> I always carry my cell phone (with me).

(늘 휴대폰을 가지고 다닌다는 말)

> You should always carry your ID (with you).

(항상 신분증을 가지고 다니다.)

> 그리고 문장 뒤에 with me나 with you를 넣어서 지금 가지고 잇는지의 구체적인 정보를 넣을 수 잇음

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework