Easy english - 13.05.07 학습
1. Speaking Drill
Is it true ~? : ~라는 게 사실이에요?
Is it true we have a new manager?
Is it true you got a promotion?
Is it true you lost all the files?
Is it true our boss will be transferred to Busan?
What's it like -ing? : ~하는 건 어떤가요?
What's it like working with him?
What's it like living in by yourself?
What's it like working as a counselor?
What's it like traveling with a total stranger?
It's ~ that ... : ...한 건 ~이지요.
Anyway, it's thought that counts.
It's your comfort that matters the most.
It's your will to do it that is important.
It's our destiny that has led us here.
2. Model Dialogue
Cindy: Sean, is it true we have a new manager?
Sean: Yes, I used to work with him.
Cindy: What's it like working with him?
Sean: Oh, don't get me started, Cindy.
Cindy: Is he that bad?
Sean: Anyway, it's the thought that counts. Let's focus on what we're doing.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
true: 사실인, 진짜인
used to ~: 전에 ~했었다
that: 그렇게
thought: 생각
count: 중요하다
focus on: ~에 촛점을 맞추다, 집중하다
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> him, her, his가 강세를 못 받고 앞 단어와 연음될 때는 /h/ 소리가 나지 않음
When did you call him?
I'd love to meet him in person.
Why don't you ask her out?
Please treat her well.
I had lunch with his mother.
Do you have his number?
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 중요한 건 생각이죠.
Step 1: It's thought that counts.
Step 2: 중요한 건 생각이니까, ~합시다.
Step 2: It's thought that counts, so let's...
Step 3: 중요한 건 생각이니까, 우리가 하는 일에 집중합시다.
Step 3: It's thought that counts, so let's focus on what we're doing.
Step 4: 우리에게 필요한 건 더 많은 시간이니까, 내일은 더 일찍 시작합시다.
Step 4: It's more time that we needs, so let's start earlier tomorrow.
6. 짤막 Tip
count의 활요
> '세다' 라는 뜻 외에 '중요하다, 가치가 있다' 라는 뜻으로도 많이 쓰임
> '중요하다, 가치가 있다' 라는 뜻으로 쓰일 때 count는 진행형으로 쓰지 않음
> It's not where you are now but where you headed that counts.
(중요한 건 지금 네가 있는 위치가 아니라, 어느 쪽으로 가고 있느냐이다.)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
9. Homework