Easy english - 13.05.08 학습
1. Speaking Drill
free : 무료의, 공짜의
Oh, the free screening test?
Is this a free ticket?
I got these free samples.
This ticket includes free admission to all exhibits.
Because ~. : ~하니까
Because I'm very healthy.
Because I love you.
Because I've been really tired.
Because I've lived here since I was born.
just in case : 혹시 모르니까
But you need to get it, just in case.
Keep my number, just in case.
Leave home earlier than usual, just in case.
Call and double check the date and time, just in case.
2. Model Dialogue
Helen: Honey, I got a message about a free physical checkup.
Husband: Oh, the free screening test?
Helen: Yes, do I really need to get it?
Husband: Sure. Why don't you think you need it?
Helen: Because I 'm very healthy.
Husband: But you still need to get it, just in case.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
physical checkup: 건강 검진
free: 공짜의, 무료의
screening test: 선별검사, 사전검사
healthy: 건강한
still: 그래도, 여전히
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> message, passage 등을 발음할 때 -(s)sage 부분을 제대로 /si/가 소리 나도록 연습
Did you get my text message?
I don't understand this passage.
I can't control my son's cell phone usage.
Can I have another sausage?
What's the message in this passage?
Which passage do you want me to read?
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 나 연락을 받았어.
Step 1: I got a message.
Step 2: 나 건강 검진에 대한 연락을 받았어.
Step 2: I got a message about a physical checkup.
Step 3: 나 오늘 아침에 건강 검진에 대한 문자 연락을 받았어.
Step 3: I got a text message about a physical checkup this morning.
Step 4: 나 어제 내 차 안전 검사 받으라는 문자 메세지를 받았어.
Step 4: I got a text message about safety inspection for my car.
6. 짤막 Tip
건강 검진 관련 표현
>screening test는 어디가 특별히 아파서가 아니라, 건강에 이상이 없는지 검사해 보는 건강 검진
> 어떤 병이 있는지 미리 선별하는 검사라는 의미
> 정밀 검사를 하기 전에 미리 실시하는 사전 검사를 의미하기도 함
> physical
> physical test
> medical test
(검강 검진)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
This ticket includes free admission to all exhibits.
Keep my number, just in case.
Leave home earlier than usual, just in case.
Call and double check the date and time, just in case.
I got a message about a free physical checkup.
do I really need to get it?
Why don't you think you need it?
9. Homework