Easy english - 13.05.09 학습
1. Speaking Drill
walk to A from B : B에서 A까지 걸어가다
Excuse me, can I walk to Navy Pier from here?
I walk to work from home.
You can walk to the convenience store to here.
Do you really walk to the terminal from here?
take about ~ : ~정도 (시간이) 걸리다
It'll take about 20 minutes.
It took about an hour.
It usually takes about half an hour.
It'll take about three and a half hours to get there.
stroll along ~ : ~를 따라 거닐다[산
You can take a boat tour or stroll along the pier.
I enjoy strolling along the street.
It's really good to stroll along the lake.
It was just strolling along the quiet beach.
2. Model Dialogue
(in Chicago)
Roy: Excuse me, can I walk to Navy Pier from here?
Receptionist: Yes, it'll take about 20 minutes.
Roy: That sounds good. Thank you.
Receptionist: You can take a boat tour or stroll along the pier.
Roy: I'd like to walk in this gorgeous weather.
Receptionist: You can get some amazing views that way, too.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
pier: 부두, 항구
take a boat tour: 보트를 타다, 보트 투어[여행]를 하다
stroll: 거닐다, 산책하다
gorgeous: 멋진, 근사한
amazing: 놀라운, 감탄할만한
view: 경관, 전망
half an hour: 30분
three and a half hours: 3시간 반
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> 철자 l로 시작하는 단어나 음절을 발음 시, 혀끝을 입천장에 댄 상태에서 소리 내도록 연습
Can I walk along?
I'd like to drink some water.
You're so lazy.
Do you have a lighter?
How long have you lived here?
I'll go pick up the laundry.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 보트를 탈 수 있어요.
Step 1: You can take a boat tour.
Step 2: 보트를 탈 수 있고 부둣가를 거닐 수도 있어요.
Step 2: You can take a boat tour or stroll along the pier.
Step 3: 이 멋진 날씨에, 보트를 탈 수 있고 부둣가를 거닐 수도 있어요.
Step 3: You can take a boat tour or stroll along the pier in this gorgeous weather.
Step 4: 이 사랑스러운 날씨에, 강아지를 산책시킬 수도 있고 일광욕을 할 수도 있죠.
Step 4: You can walk your dog or enjoy sunbathing in this lovely weather.
6. 짤막 Tip
stroll의 쓰임
> 어디를 가려고 걷는 것이 아니라, 아무 목적없이 무작정 거닐 때는 stroll를 사용
> stroll 명사로 쓸 수 도 있음
> go (out) for a stroll
(산책하러 나가다, 한가로이 걷기 위해 나가다)
> How about a stroll?
(날씨가 좋은 날, 그냥 무작정 거닐어 보는 것은 어떨까?)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
9. Homework