1. Speaking Drill
get a ride to ~ : ~까지 차를 얻어 타고 가다
Daddy, can I get a ride to the school today?
May I get a ride to the station?
Don't worry. I already got a ride to the test center.
If you don't get a ride to meeting now, you'll have to catch a taxi.
happen to 누구 : ~에게 일어나다
It happens to everyone.
Yeah, but it has happened to you quite a lot lately.
Did it happen to you?
I'm glad it happened to me and not you.
Why do bad things keep happening to me today?
drop 누구 off : ~를 내려 주다
Could you drop me off first?
Can you drop me off here?
The taxi dropped me off in front of my office.
Drop me off in front of the restaurant, I'll get us seats while you're parking.
2. Model Dialogue
Lily: Daddy, can I get a ride to school today?
Sean: Why?
Lily: Sorry, I was overslept. It happens to everyone.
Sean: Yeah, but it has happened to you quite a lot lately.
Lily: Are you going to give me a ride or not?
Sean: I'm carpooling today with 3 of my co-workers. It will be a tight squeeze.
Lily: I don't mind. Could you drop me off first?
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
ride: 태워다 주는 것
oversleep: 늦잠을 자다
happen to ~: ~에게 일어나다
carpool: 카풀을 하다, 승용차를 갍이 타다
tight: 꽉 끼는, 좁은
squeeze: 꽉 차 있는 상태
drop off: 내려 주다
the test center: 시험장
quite a lot: 꽤 많이, 자주
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
l로 시작하는 단어의 발음을 연습
Can you speak more loudly?
Don't lean on the fence.
He finally left me.
The leaves are beautiful.
I really love you, sweetie.
What level are you in?
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 그런 일이 너에게 일어나는 구나.
Step 1: It has happened to you.
Step 2: 그런 일이 너에게 꽤 많이 일어나는 구나.
Step 2: It has happened to you quite a lot.
Step 3: 그런 일이 요즘 너에게 꽤 많이 일어나는 구나.
Step 3: It has happened to you quite a lot lately.
6. 짤막 Tip
over + 동사
> over는 뒤에 이어 오는 동사의 동작을 '지나치게 하다, 과하게 하다' 라는 뜻의 접두어
> '늦잠을 자다'
> '과식하다, 많이 먹다'
> '어떤 행동을 지나치게 과하게 하다'
> 실수로 늦잠을 자다'
sleep in
> 일요일이나 휴일에 작정고 그냥 '편하게 푸욱 늦게까지 자는 것'을 의미 함
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
Did it happen to you?
I'm glad it happened to me and not you.
Why do bad things keep happening to me today?
Drop me off in front of the restaurant, I'll get us seats while you're parking.
What level are you in?
It will be a tight squeeze.
I don't mind.
9. Homework
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